Privacy Policy

    Business Information

    Our website address :
    Corporate Name : Real Vision Sports Inc.
    Address : Navi Shibuya V 3F, 5-5 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0044, Japan
    Representative: Hideshi Abe

    Method of Obtaining Personal Information

    When a user registers for use as a viewer membership, the Company will obtain personally identifiable information such as name, address, e-mail address.

    When a user registers for use as a running form analysis, the Company will obtain personally identifiable information such as name, gender, age, address, e-mail address and full body image including profile for our form analysis service.

    When users submit inquiry forms or comments, we will obtain their names, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

    We outsource credit card payment services to a payment processing company. The credit card information (credit card number, expiration date, and security code) entered by members through the Company’s system will be retained by the settlement service company, and the Company will not retain any credit card information.

    Purpose of Use of Personal Information

    Personal information obtained will only be used to reply to inquiries or to send necessary information by e-mail, etc., and will not be used for any other purpose.

    Video images including faces are used to convert and analyze 3D data, and will not be used for any other purposes. However, if it is necessary to disclose video images of the body, including the face, in connection with the registration and disclosure of analysis data on our website, we will obtain the prior consent of the user.
    Other purposes of use that have been agreed upon in advance by the user.

    Measures for safe management of personal data

    We strive to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date, and provide education and training to all employees to protect it from unauthorized access, falsification, leakage, loss, or damage. In addition, we have established rules for the protection of personal information and conduct periodic inspections of on-site management.

    Joint Use of Personal Data

    The Company will share the use of personal data with outside contractors for the acquisition of image data, data analysis, and publication of data on the Company’s website.

    Scope of joint users
    Our company’s cooperative employees and private business owners to whom our company outsources its business.

    Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

    We will not provide personal information to third parties without consent, except as otherwise provided by laws, regulations, and guidelines.

    Disclosure and Correction of Retained Personal Data

    When we are requested to disclose personal information by an individual, we will disclose such information to the individual without delay. If you wish to be notified of the purpose of use of your personal information, or if you wish to make corrections, additions, deletions, or discontinue the use or provision of your personal information to third parties, please contact us for further information.
    Please also contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the handling of personal data.

    SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

    Our website is SSL-compatible, which encrypts communications between web browsers and web servers. Personal information such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers entered by users are automatically encrypted.


    A cookie is a piece of data sent from a web server to a web browser that enables the web server to identify the user’s computer by referring to the cookie, thereby allowing the user to use the Company’s website efficiently. The files that we send as cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information. Please refer to “Advertising – Policies and Terms – Google” for details on how to disable cookies and Google Adsense.

    Access Analysis Tools

    Our website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. Traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals.


    Only members can comment on the blogs (analysis viewers, reports, articles, etc.) on our website, and we collect IP addresses left when commenting.
    This is a standard feature supported by the blog, and we do not use these IP addresses except to respond to spam or vandalism.
    All comments are reviewed and approved by the administrator before they are posted. Please note that all comments will be posted only after prior review and approval by the administrator.


    The Company assumes no responsibility for the information, services, etc. provided on sites linked to from the Company’s website or accessed via banners, etc. The Company also assumes no responsibility for the contents, information, or services on the Company’s website.

    Although we make every effort to provide as accurate information as possible, we do not guarantee the accuracy or safety of the content and information on our website. Information may be out of date.

    Please understand that we are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the contents of our website.

    Copyrights and Portrait Rights

    All content on our website, including text and images, is protected by copyright and portrait rights. Unauthorized use or diversion is prohibited.
    Our website is not intended to infringe on copyrights or portrait rights. If you have any problems regarding copyrights or portrait rights, please contact us using the Contact Us form. We will respond promptly.

    Linking to Our Website

    You are free to establish a link to our website. However, please refrain from using inline frames, direct links to images, and the like. If you wish to link to the contents of a member’s website, please contact us through our contact page.
    We may refuse to accept links depending on the content of the website.

    Date of enactment and revision of the Privacy Policy

    Enactment: May 29, 2024
